Fertilizer & Weed Control

Lawn Fertilization & Weed Removal Services in Omaha, NE

Has it slipped your mind when you last nourished your lawn or plants with fertilizer? It might be time to reach out! With the changing seasons, it's crucial to provide not just your lawn but also your plants, shrubs, and trees with the necessary nutrients. Navigating the world of fertilization can be tricky, given the variety of fertilizers and specific timing required, alongside any potential disease management. Fortunately, our expertise in fertilization ensures your greenery receives precisely what it needs to flourish. Our fertilizing services include:

  • Fertilizing your lawn to promote thick, green growth.
  • Rectify and prevent lawn diseases such as fungus and insect damage.
  • Fertilizing your shrubs and other plants to promote thick, healthy growth.
  • Rectify and prevent plant and tree diseases such as fungal infections, wilting, rotting, and many other problems that can arise.

Our professional lawn care specialists are eager to see your landscape at its healthiest. Secure a free consultation and obtain a complimentary lawn treatment estimate today, letting your Omaha landscape bloom under our care.


Lawn Care & Landscaping Services

Freshly Mowed Lawn

Lawn Care

& Mowing

Mulch Installation



Garden Bed



Leaves & Rake


Clean Ups


Fertilizer &

Weed Control

Lawn Aerator

Aeration &


Snow & red shovel

Snow &


Christmas Lights being hung from a house

Christmas Light


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